Monday, April 27, 2009

And then there is ... Joe Hill

My other blog, Musings of a Medical Mystery, is only part of my life. Among the many things that I enjoy is the written word. I enjoy holding it, surrounding myself with it, and losing myself in it. I need to have those great books in my hands. The smell of new pages as they turn is . . . well, for those you feel the same way, you don't need me to finish that though. For my first entry I have decided to talk about one Mr. Joe Hill

I just have to let everyone know that there is a new kid on the block. Joe Hill. He is related to one Mr. Stephen King, and he is one of the greatest writers I have read in a long time. He hasn't written a large amount yet, but what he has is great. I am currently reading his story collection 20th Century Ghosts and am just . . . well, there is no real word. He writes with a maturity that not many authors have. I have read three of the greatest stories - possibly three of the best short stories I have ever read - from this new talent. If you haven't read his work . . . well, what are you waiting for? What? You're still reading this post, aren't you? Go get your hands on a copy of this collection or his novel Heart Shaped Box (which I haven't read yet, but I am sure is just as marvelous). Your still reading the blog? Go to the library, the book store, the ebook section of Amazon, or where ever you get your reading fix and find this author. May your page turning be enjoyable and your reading amazing.